To get started…

To start things off, let me tell you the intent of this blog. Most of us would like to have some entertainment during our free time. Among the many activities available, you can choose gaming as your hobby. It is a really engaging hobby, but many aren’t attracted to it because of the costs of a good PC or console and the games themselves. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean your life’s wasted- there are lots of great free games in the internet which do not require extreme graphics or processor speed. However you can compare the situation to this:

We all know what looking for a needle in a haystack means. However, here, you don’t know if the needle you want really exists within the stack. You don’t even know what kind of needle you are looking for. I know this may be tough to comprehend, but in short, it is like this:

You don’t know the names of various games out there and so, you can never find them. Even sites with ready content may not contain what you want. This is exactly what the blog intends to do- give you information on some of the greatest free games out there so you can pursue your gaming hobby. Also, if you know any great freeware games not listed in my blog, you can add their names to your comments. Consistent visiting of my blog will really fill your computer with great games- check it out every week or so.

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